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Perchten and Krampus doing overtime

-Famous Fish -Sausage White -Echoes -Witch
1552 – 2024 Elephant Solimans Dream/ and Nightmare

After the swarm came across the information a big Perchtenlauf is taking place in Bad Reichenhall, we of course had to document the rare event with Ducks. A Perchtenlauf is a parade of a group of men depicting good or bad spirits after Christmas season. They are supposed to scare away the evil spirits while looking like them and get rid of the burdens of winter. Mostly men join in creepy costumes with heavy hand carved masks. Quite expensive. Some witches are joining too and if you are lucky they will brush your shoes which is good luck.

Normally the event will take place in one village only with men from the local community roaming through the streets and houses of their village. But the event in Reichenhall was a gathering of several groups of the area of upper Bavaria. To give a complete overlook.




The announcer said that the Perchten don’t beet the naughty kids. Though they look very much like Krampus. So, they performed their slow court dances and noise making with all kinds of bells and clamps.

But it seems Krampus did overtime and was there too with his birch rod.





But Ronald D. scared all of them shitless. Some had to be relieved from their pain.


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-Famous Fish -Sausage White -Echoes -Witch
1552 – 2024 Elephant Solimans Dream/ and Nightmare