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Croatia Rab

Rab is a very pretty old town in northern Croatia which attracts many tourist. It offers many spectacular views over […]

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Trieste Italy Miramare

Castle Miramare was built by Habsburger Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph Maria of Austria, grandson of emperor Franz I. and Wittelbacher […]

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Kappeln Baltic Sea

  Kappeln at the Schlei river Close to the Baltic Sea was another town Mary visited during the Heringssaison and […]

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Mary during the Herringsaison also visited Flensburg, a town, every German car driver knows and hates as it puts up […]

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Maasholm, Baltic Sea

During the Herring season Mary used the opportunity to visit more sites at the Baltic Sea. She also went to […]

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As the Heringssaison at the Baltic Sea (seaon to catch Baltic Herring) in Germany had started April 2018, Mary went North to […]

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