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A380 Experience

Sheila found an adequate save place where she stayed during the flight. It took Sheila and me a long time […]

 716 total views,  2 views today


Kairo Egypt Pyramid of Giza During one of her trips to Sharm el-Shekh Sheila took a break from her duties […]

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After talking to her bank consultant Sheila decided to blow her pension plan and to work a view years longer […]

 999 total views,  1 views today

Jordanien Petra

  While being in Egypt 1997 for scuba diving there was a terror attack at the Hatschepsut temple at Luxor. […]

 568 total views

Abu Dhabi

Not far away from Dubai, maybe a 45 min drive away if the street is not busy lies another country […]

 615 total views,  4 views today