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Cathedral Aachen

Charlemagne, or Charles the Great 742 -814 from the Carolingian dynasty was the leading figure of the early middle ages […]

 739 total views

96 h + Queue

Sheila got information, that some hot stuff is traded through a partly open car window in a dark lot behind […]

 851 total views


  Singapore Sands     Sheila took the chance and spent some time in famous Sands Hotel with the iconic […]

 859 total views


  In Indonisia Sheila visited Java, Bali and Lombok. In Bali she helped a lot during my dive excursions, also […]

 712 total views,  1 views today


  Cambodia Angkor Wat     Cambodia Tonle Sap   Cambodia Angkor Thom     Cambodia Phnom Penh     […]

 635 total views

Myanmar 2014

    Myanmar Shwegadon Pagode The Shwegadon is the most important religious building in Myanmar and center oft it’s Religion, […]

 609 total views


  Laos Wat Xieng Thong   Laos Don Kong Island     Laos Kuang Si Falls     Laos Wat […]

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