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Smell The Flowers Along the way. And admire the Ducks.

Romans back in Bavaria, Limes, Roman beer garden
Castle Grünwald

Don’t hurry. Don’t worry, and be sure to admire the looks of the Ducks along the way.

(Freely adapted from the poem “Smell The Flowers Along the Way”)

During a hike starting from the village “Schliersee”, Bavaria up on the “Schliersbergalm” (mountain pasture) , these wild Ducks were discovered along the way in “Schliersee”, close to the modern “Christuskirche”. They seemed to have a great time at this water trough getting ready to take a dip. We did not ask them their names but of course we had to take some pictures. No Ducks from the swarm were on board but that was no Problem as the Ducks are really taking over everywhere.

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Romans back in Bavaria, Limes, Roman beer garden
Castle Grünwald