Dieter took the chance to drink a great Weltenburger beer in the only Roman beer garden in Bavaria. We enjoyed the fabulous Event, the good food a lot and had a lot of fun. It seems to take place every year. Excavations at this historic site started 140 years ago.
The Romans are back in Bavaria after 2000 years and revived the old fort at the “Limes”, a former wall in the southern part of today’s Germany to protect the great Roman Empire from Barbarian and Germanic Invasion.
The Limes is a world cultural heritage.
The long wall connected the Rhine River (Bad Hönningen) and the Danube River (Eining). The Barbarian were not as cultivated and wealthy as the Romans at that time so the Romans had to build a long wall to keep them away from their territory and wealth. Of course some were welcome as slaves in the Roman Empire and, some of their produce was too, like metal and salt and not to forget the nice blond hair which was used for wigs for the ladies hairdo in the upper Roman society. Some Barbarians were also welcome entertainers in the Roman theaters playing with lions in the Colosseum. Later the tribes north of the Alps also served in the Roman army and in the end became more confident and claimed land to settle in the fertile Roman land in today’s Italy. One reason for the empire to fall was that it was getting weaker while increasing its size and military expenses. „live in harmony; enrich the troops; ignore everyone else.“ (Severus) And tribal differences and immigration was getting harder to control causing many wars. (“War is the mother of taxes”, Saint Gregory Nazianzus, one of the Fathers of the Church like St. Jean + Str. Gregor)
And much too expensive construction projects like the decadent Caracalla-Spa (“For as long as we have our swords we shall not run short of money” [denarius], Caracalla; the sword is often mightier than democracy) in Rome. Huge Inflation and rising taxes took away the liberty and land of the Common Joes, and in the end let the empire topple.
So the Romans came back this Weekend to free Bavaria 15-18.08.2019
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