Castle Miramare was built by Habsburger Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph Maria of Austria, grandson of emperor Franz I. and Wittelbacher princess Sophie of Bavaria.
Maximilian appears in the movie „Vera Cruz“ with Clark Gabel an Burt Lancaster.
Maximilian became emperor of Mexico 1864 but was caught and imprisoned by Benito Juárez 1867 and was executed 1867. During his execution it is said that his favorite song “La Paloma” was played or when his body was leaving the Mexican harbor on an Austrian ship. Or during his disembarkation back in Triest. Therefore it still shall not be played on any austrian sailboat. It is one of the most popular Songs of all the times. Elvis played it too as No More.
We stayed in lovely splendid hotel Riviera & Maximilian’s (and spa) with a world class view over the bay and Miramar Castle and enjoyed the wonderful food, drinks and room.
Sheila enjoyed an Aperol Sprizz as Sundowner on the terraze of lovely hotel bar
Bar Sissi
which of course refers to Wittelsbacher iconic princess Sissi (empress Elisabeth of Austria), a cousin of Maximilian.
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