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1. May Maypole the Procedure
Görings Game Gone, Jagd- und Fischereimuseum

Sheila joined me on the hike through the nice Westerwald. Sheila started to quak the „Westerwaldlied“ but I had to tell her, that Ursula von der Leyen, German defence minister had it removed from the songbook of the German Bundeswehr. Von der Leyen at the moment is involved in a dramatic competition  over which project will be accomplished first, the new Airport in Berlin or the Training Sailing Ship Gorch Dock.(Fock)

We found this fellow in the forest who was not amused about the aluminium trash lid at his feet; so good soul Sheila picked it up and recycled it.

Same shit, different wrap.




Of course Sheila had to get a Blackforest Cake in the coffee shop in town which was excellent.

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1. May Maypole the Procedure
Görings Game Gone, Jagd- und Fischereimuseum