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Aichach, Wittelsbach, Dachau

Föhr, North Frisian Island
Friedberg im Allgäu

After we visited Friedberg we drove through a lovely landscape with many oaks

and we also visited Aichach, the capital of the district Aichach-Friedberg.

We enjoyed a nice ride during sun-rise on a cool morning.


1347 Wittelsbacher emperor “Ludwig der Bayer” awarded Aichach the rights of a town. Of course the citizens had to pay for that as we learned in the exhibition which we visited. (Bayerische Landesausstellung) Water Castle Unterwittelsbach is situated in the towns surroundings. It is also called Sissi Schloss as Wittelsbacher, later Austrian iconic empress Sisi (Sissi) Elisabeth In Bayern spent parts of her childhood here. We were here before but it was already too dark to get good pictures.

She also danced for the money they throw here to the music her illustrious father “Zither-Maxl” (Duke Maximilian In Bayern) played in neighboring inns. He, like his daughter liked tor travel and even played the Zither on top of the Cheops Pyramid in Egypt. He also was a hunter and hiker.

Here is a picture of this, at least of one of Maxls Zithers.

He also composed some music but also appeared in his own circus in his castle in Munich where Sissi was born. He also liked to stay in the nature in mountain huts. Aichach has a city partnership with Gödöllö in Hungary where Sissi and husband Franz Joseph I. (emperor of Austria) were incorronated queen and king of Hungary 1867. Sissi went there several times and made Gödöllö a very popular town for summer holidays.


Aichach has a museum about the Wittelsbacher. We saw a statue of the “Königlich-Bayerische-Josefspartei”. Not a political party so far but only a club. Main goal is the reintroduction of a public holiday Joseftag in March.

Former CSU politician Erwin Huber is a member of that club.

We reached the town early in the morning and had a nice breakfast at a bakery on the main place in the picturesque town. Then we visited the Sisi – Schloss and Oberwittelsbach, former castle of the Wittelsbacher from which they got their name. Although it was torn down 1209 soon after count Otto VIII. murdered ruling Staufer king Phillip Von Schwaben 1208 in Bamberg. The later here built church might have been initiated by Wittelsbacher „Ludwig der Kehlheimer“ to pay for the sin of the murder.


Not sooner than 1857 the former castle Oberwittelsbach was visited again by a Wittelsbacher, by King Max II. The romantic painting of “Konrad Huber” which shows Emperor Ludwig der Bayer at this place is fake news.

Our last stop on that tour was in Dachau where I took this picture with Wittelsbacher Castle Dachau on the hill in the background.


Here is an older picture to get you the full story.

Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,

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Föhr, North Frisian Island
Friedberg im Allgäu