The swarm wishes all of you a Happy Rubber Duck Day I, like James, am really thinking the Ducks should […]
796 total views, 3 views today
The swarm wishes all of you a Happy Rubber Duck Day I, like James, am really thinking the Ducks should […]
796 total views, 3 views today
September 2018, updated July 2019 As no other duck to our knowledge has documented the collision of two cableway […]
1,135 total views, 3 views today
As Ronald D. was not successful with laying a second Atomic Egg in Garching, he also tried his luck at […]
815 total views, 3 views today
The mountain Drachenfels at the right side of the Rhine River maybe 50 km south of Cologne became a very […]
997 total views, 2 views today
The Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain normally 2962 m high, can be reached by the „Zugspitzbahn“, a cog wheel Train up on […]
943 total views, 1 views today