As a serious blogger needs a Christmas story, I worked hard to make one up in this difficult Corona Times. And no snow round.
But I found something which connects the Wittelsbacher Dynasty with the most iconic Christmas song: Silent Night
The music of the song was composed 1818 by Franz Xaver Gruber. We found the Franz-Gruber Street in Munich which reminded us of this man.
The street is situated in the former “Hofanger”. A pasture for the livestock of the Wittelsbacher court, or place to harvest the gras for the cattle and horses. It was irrigated in the old days because it was very dry. Even as early as the reign of Emperor Ludwig der Bayern.
The Wittelsbacher 1487 also enacted a law concerning the ingredients of beer, the „Bayerisches Reinheitsgebot“. And I learned about a brewer in Japan from Bavaria who brews beer under that law. And found this Japanese building in the former Hofanger. Of course this has got nothing to do with Christmas.
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