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Holland, beach and windmills

Beach Dweller Duck Kaasantra in Netherlands
St. Martin Caribbean

As we drove to the last soccer world championship without Holland (“Ohne Holland fahr’n wir zur WM”) the swarm thought they should comfort the Netherlands and pay this nice county with its nice coast a visit. The swarm enjoyed the nice, often changing weather and the great opportunities to enjoy the beach at the Strandbad Cadzand.



The windmills (Sluis) are real pretty too.

Marie Sophie, equestrian Duck JJ and Soccer king Izke Triplekönig joined and had a great time.

To be fair, I should mention that Jogi recently was defeated embarrassingly by Holland at the 7’th of September 2019 in the prestige duel to qualify for the next European Championship

and did a bad Job in Russia.

Bavaria in the late 18’th century was at risk to be exchanged for Holland by Palatine Wittelsbacher Ruler Karl Theodor, who was not popular in Munich, but first Prussia intervened (Potato War) and later wife and hero Maria Leopoldine saved Bavaria.

As much of Holland is situated below sea level, its shores need to be enforced with dams and stones.

Sunsets at the beach are nice at every shore on this planet and even small Duck cast long shadows.

Credit: Maps Icons Collection, t

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Beach Dweller Duck Kaasantra in Netherlands
St. Martin Caribbean