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Ludwig der Strenge, Alter Hof Munich

Jubiläumsgrat, Alpenvereinsmusum München
Institute of Pathology, coroner, Coronavirus, Karolina, Tutanchoink, Morturi Vivos Docent


Sheila and I had been in the „Alter Hof“ (old court or also Kaiserburg) of the Wittelsbacher before but we missed out on visiting the little Museum in the basement. As my Wittelsbacher Blog has gotten so big that I can’t add any more, I have to add another page. Ludwig der Strenge received his nickname because he murdered his wife Maria von Brabant 1256 as he thought she had been unfaithful or to make more money with his next wife Anna Von Glogau he married. We had asked in the Castle Heidelberg if they had a statue too but they hadn’t.


Credit: Maps Icons Collection, t

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Jubiläumsgrat, Alpenvereinsmusum München
Institute of Pathology, coroner, Coronavirus, Karolina, Tutanchoink, Morturi Vivos Docent