The “Reichskanzlei Dienststelle Berchtesgaden” is also known als “Kleine Reichskanzei”. (Little Chancellery) It did serve the „Führer„, Adolf Hitler as a nice more formal place to work and sign several laws. Next to the more informal Obersalzberg. It is situated in Stanggaß, a part of Bischofswiesen but Berchtesgaden sounded nicer and more important.
It’s got a splendid view overlooking Berchtesgaden, the Watzmann Mountain Range and the entrance to the Ramsau Valley. And fissured mountains like Schärtenspitze and Hochkaltern at the Hintersee lake.
Sheila was also eager to get a picture of the entrance to the bunker system and tunnel connecting the Reichskanzlei with a special train station built for the Führer. I think we got it but unfortunately at the very moment that we passed it, the conductor wanted to see our ticket.
I only have a picture of it without a Duck.
We also came through the Train Station Berchtesgaden Hauptbahnhof which has some interesting fresco paintings (1949, 1951, Maria Harrich) in Home style. Advertising the Salt Mine in Berchtesgaden and the area as tourist attraction. Already during Nazi Time.
Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,
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