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Rubber Ducks discovered in Hallstadt Culture

Strangling snakes in the City, chocolate crisis, Nude Dude
The Nude Dude, „Nackerter Lackl”

Since  the swarm can’t travel much these days, we decided to watch a TV documentation “Das Geheimnis des Keltengrabs” (The Secret Of The Celtic Grave).

The great documentation unveiled that Rubber Ducks were found in the excavation campaign which dug out artefacts from 1300-900 b.c. at Hallstadt, Austria. (the important part starts at 27:25) No fake news, The frog is a reliable witness. The site coined the name of that important ancient European culture, the Hallstadt Culture. The time from 800-450 b.c. is called Hallstadt Age (HaC and HaD about at the time of the European Iron Age). The site was famous and important because of its big scale salt production. A remarkable breakthrough of the archaeologists. Most streamlined technic was deployed to find the Ducks, like dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating with C14 isotopes and avalanche sondes. As you can see colorful clothing was popular as early as that. The prehistoric people did not only wear rags in brown and grey but liked striking design. A pig was put in clothes and burned to experiment what would remain. And what the archaeologist would have to look for during the coming campaign. The excavations showed that the Ducks had healthy beaks and robust skeletons and that they probably did not have to work hard in the salt mines. They had just a little damage at their wings which might indicate that they were bodyguards, maybe for a female chief, and had to throw spears often. A lot of 3000 years old poop was found too in the mine, which had to be hammered out and which proved, that the miners of that time ate the same healthy stew for more than 1000 years.

I remembered that I was there around 1979 for holiday. We propose to change the name of that culture now to Ducktown Culture.

Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,

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Strangling snakes in the City, chocolate crisis, Nude Dude
The Nude Dude, „Nackerter Lackl”