One of the most influential, clever and successful women and celebrity in the Wittelsbacher Dynasti was Maria Leopoldine von Österreich-Este. 1795 The Habsburger Girl (at the age of 17) had to marry the old Geezer Karl Theodor (Wittelsbacher) who was 70 (“Glücksschwein von Schwetzingen”). But she refused to fulfill her marital duties. Thanks to that document I just learned that she was said to have had an affair with Count Montgelas. Who was an important counsellor of the at the beginning of his reign elector, then Wittelsbacher King Maximilian I. of Bavaria. Montgelas organized the secularization in Bavaria for the King.
The King was a good friend of Maira. Even before he started his reign.
As King Maximilians fist wife Carolina died earlier than young Maria Leopoldine, Maria was the last women who as widow of Karl Theodor carried the title Electress Palatin -Bavaria.
She baught the land at Steppberg and started a successfull farm.
She 1848 died in a striking carriage accident in Wasserburg am Inn (…elephant Soliman..). As the swarm had just returned from another trip to Bad Reichenhall and Berchtesgaden (Saline) we are happy that we found the new information, that the other carriages load which crashed into Marias carriage carried Salt from Reichenhall.
This is because in Reichenhall was a stand on the Christmas Market were the Salt miner demonstrated how Salt is boiled. And they were giving away small bags of the produced salt. So we got us some nice salty souvenirs, the same stuff which killed Maria Leopoldine. And gave some donation money.
The Tomb-Chapel is situated on a picturesque hill alongside the Danube River in Steppberg. With an alley of nice, big old trees.
There used to be an old Roman bridge across the Danube river at this point. Wooden poles were found.
Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,
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