Famous son of the town Ulm, Albert Einstein is commemorated with the Albert Einstein House which puts up a adult education center. Einstein’s (1879-1955) family fled, Einstein already went to the USA before. Some say he did not have good grades in school but this is because in Switzerland they have a different grading system than in Germany. He is also commemorated with a street name which was temporarily changed during Nazi rule.
Albert Einstein: Die Stadt der Geburt hängt dem Leben als etwas ebenso Einzigartiges an wie die Herkunft von der leiblichen Mutter. Auch der Geburtsstadt verdanken wir einen Teil unseres Wesens. So gedenke ich Ulms in Dankbarkeit, da es edle künstlerische Tradition mit schlichter und gesunder Wesensart verbindet
The construction of the Ulmer Münster was started 1377 by the proud and wealthy citizens of the “Freie Reichsstadt Ulm” (imperial city) but it took until 1890 until the tower of the building in gothical style was finished in the period of national enthusiasm under Prussian rule. Because size matters the tower had to be higher than the one in Cologne which is Germanys biggest church which was mostly finished before. The Ulmer Münster is Germanys biggest Lutheran church after the citizens 1530 decided to become Lutheran. Sheila got dizzy walking up the long circular stairs of the worlds highest church tower and had to hide from the gargoyles which scared her. I explaned that the gargoyles serve to keep the rainwater away from the walls.
Credit: Maps Icons Collection, https://mapicons.mapsmarker.com
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