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Worms, Cathedral, Dragon, Siegfried, Gold, Luther

Cathedral Aachen
Speyerer Dom (Cathedral)

The “Niebelungenlied” is one of Germanie most important legends and connects Germanies legends with Iceland and other Nordic legends Ragnarök. One of the most important figures is Brünhild, queen of Iceland.

Dragon Fafner was knocked dead close to Worms by hero Siegfried who also took a bath in the dragon’s blood and became invincible, except for a small spot at his back which by mistake was covered by a lime tree leave.

Sheila of course had to take the Chance and to ride on Dragon Fafner, a noric Nibelunge who because of greed and crimes turned into a Dragon. He possesses a big treasure and a ring with the ability to make the treasure bigger and bigger.

Siegfried conquered the “Nibelungenhort”, the gold treasure of the nordic people Nibelungen, guarded by dragon Fafner, And a midget’s camouflage cape. He used a special sword which a blacksmith, where Siegfried learned the craft, gave him to gain the treasure which the blacksmith wanted to have for himselfe. But he didn’t wanted to kill the Dragon himselfe because he was his brother. By tasting some of the blood of the dragon before bringing the loot to his master, Siegfried could understand the language of the birds who told him that his master would kill him after his return. The birds later also guided Siegfried to  Iceland.

Siegfried, by using his super powers, helps his friend and king Gunther (a Burgunder who rules in Worms) to marry Brünhild, queen of Iceland (and a kind of super girl) by fooling her using his super powers and his camouflage cape during her duel with Gunther in Iceland. On the way back Siegfried again meets Kriemhild, Gunthers sister and part of the deal and they even fall in love. But to make sure Gunther and Brünhild can marry Siegfried once more has to use his super powers and to sleep with Brünhild or help Gunther to rape her so she would subject to Gunther and loose her super powers.

Kriemhild later by accident learns about that and jealous on the steps of the “Wormser Dom” at the church gate tells Brünhild about it.



Brünhild in the following takes revenge and let Siegfried being killed by Hagen von Tronje with the agreement of Gunther. Gunther rejects to punish the murder. Hagen steals Siegfrieds respectively his widows gold to prevent her to hire mercenaries or simply greed and sinks the gold in the Rhine river. Kriemhild, Siegfried widow than marries Hun Attila / Etzel and let her new husband destroy the Nibelungen who fight brave till the end. Captured Hagen does not want to tell Kriemhild where the Gold is so she kills him. She is killed soon later by disgusted Dietrich. The story was later also used by Richard Wagner in the opera series “Der Ring des Nibelungen” which ends with the “Götterndämmerung” which  “ain’t over till the fat lady sings”.


Emperor Wilhelm (II.) later (1900) revered to that legend in his famous “Hun Speech” sending his troops to China to fight down the Boxer Rebellion.


The cathedral in Worms is the smallest of the 3 emperor’s cathedrals at the Rhine river next to the one in Speyer and in Mainz. No emperor was buried here, only family members of Konrad II., an emperor of the Salier Dynasty. It was basically built 1130-1181 on the foundations of much older churches in romanic stile. Like the cathedral in Speyer it was destroyed by French troops in the 17’ th century and later partly redecorated in baroque style.

It was at the “Reichstag von Worms 1521” where Martin Luthers continued his Reformation. Luther is commemorated with several memorials in Worms.



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Cathedral Aachen
Speyerer Dom (Cathedral)