Although Sheila could not get over the sad fact yet, that no Duck was taken on a Space Mission yet, in contrast to the Mouse, the Mole and the Elephant she joint the celebration of the 50’th anniversary of the „Die Sendung mit der Maus“ (The Mouse Program). We all liked to watch the show when we were still ducklings and we still find it informative even today. The anniversary was a big issue in Germany’s media the past week March 2021. The Maus appeared on the screen first at the 07’th March 1971.
The average age of the audience is at about 40.
The Maus has made big impact in history.
The notorious dangerous Mole frequently appears in the “Sendung mit der Maus” and did not comply with social distancing (more than 2 households are having lunch together) in this episode which ends in a devastating disaster. And the Mole did not disinfect his hands before having lunch.
The „Deutsche Post“ issued a stamp for the big event and we recently received snail-mail.
Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,
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