As we learned that a Duck had a leading (grand final) role in the Carnival in Mainz we had to participate in the Carnival too. So we went to the Viktualienmarkt in Munich and watched the “Tanz der Marktweiber”. A tradition which started in the 1950’ties. It is the pinnacle of Munich’s street Carnival and a Mordsgaudi. It was overshadowed by the recent terror events though. The female sales staff of the traditional market stages a dance. The event now traditionally starts with the famous, iconic song “Linie 8” of singer and comedian Weißferdl who is commemorated on the Viktualienmarkt with a statue. I went there early in the morning after a great breakfast in Coffee shop Rischart directly above the market place.
I did not know, the market-women performance would start not sooner than 11:30 so we had to give up our place in the front row as we had to go to the Ducks room. Of course there was no way back to the front row but I could get enough pictures to document the event.
Credit: Maps Icons Collection, https://mapicons.mapsmarker.com/
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