Lucky Ducky Coincidence
A friend of mine went to Berlin some years ago and brought home this pictures. A lonely abandoned duck was sitting on a tourist sip on the “Spree” river. At that time I was still joining a community in Norway “” and I posted, that I hoped that none of my flippant comrades had lost the poor duck here in Berlin. Eric from Norway, whom I never met, than answered that it might be his duck as he left one there by accident and we found out that it was the exact right time and place. So it was his duck. Sheila says: it’s a small world. At least it seems, as if the duck has found a nice, interesting place to stay at.
Here is another historic picture of the former „Palast der Republik“ (former site of the „parliament“ of the DDR, which was torn down, a process which took a long time)
And here a picture of the „Reichsaffenhaus“ (empire monkey house) (Quote of emperor Willhelm II.) from the election campain 2018, it was on TV.
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