As so many others the swarm has to work in the Home Office now. As we sometimes indulge in the pleasures of programming Sheila again could help me a lot while debugging. Sheila discovered a lot of Bugs
Of course a Blackforest Cake always is part of the Cure.
while Rubber Duck Debugging and offered her advice. Sheila has found her ways through the Corona Crisis and some tasty, healthy snacks to keep her spirit up.
Duckdiu on the other hand doesn’t get along well with the situation and Is still stuck in the Corona Crisis. His cure in the Ducky Foard Clinic did not help for long.
But we presume, that we are subject of some severe espionage as we discovered a shady figure to creep up on us and our projects. And we are now afraid that some of our staff might be Ducknapped.
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