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First Duck with Master Bockert; Beavers back in Bavaria

Wittelsbacher King Otto I Way to Greece and Back; Millennial Reign; Royal Wedding
Millennial Reign going down the drain

We already unsuccessfully had tried to get the first picture with a Duck together with a free-living Beaver.

But were successful now in May 2023.


I like beavers as they got the same cat-like figure and calm nature as we do.

Beavers are called “Meister Bockert” in German vernacular and were eradicated in Bavaria in the middle of the 19’th century. But now they are back and seem to be thriving. Discomfiting farmers in the neighborhood in our small country.

We heard the Beaver doing woodwork before we saw him in the water. We did what we learned in the rainforest in Australia before a night walk: Just sit down and wait and let nature come to you. Don’t hunt for it. It paid off this time.

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Wittelsbacher King Otto I Way to Greece and Back; Millennial Reign; Royal Wedding
Millennial Reign going down the drain