Lago di Tenno, also called Lago Azzurro for its blue Color, maybe the cleanest sweet water lake in Italy. Marie Sophie went swimming there too and had fun in Italy’ cleanest lake and enjoyed the surrounding mountains. She was a little bit scared when she learned that some bears roam in the area and that brutal bear Bruno who was born in the area of Trento had long before left and afflicted Bavaria, Germany, also the Graswangtal. As a safety measure she at first wore a bell to keep the bears away.
She doesn’t want those illegal immigrating animals pouring in over the southern borders of Germany, killing the chicken and sheeps, scaring the nature loving people, so she is considering to build a wall at Germanys border in the south.
But then she thought the bell sounded more like lunch is ready and then she quacked as loud as she could when hiking in the area to fend off the bears who normally run away when noise appears.
Advices how to behave during bear encounters on a sign. Sheila met a bear in West Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains on Syline Drive.
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