Now, after Peta (who loves animals) had destroyed the historical Three Ring Circus Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey they are looking for new striking, even older tasks. Of course, they are living from donations, so they need sensations. They suggested that Jesus in the play should enter Jerusalem on an E-Scooter. One of those that bumped into me on the sidewalk in Munich before. Maybe Jesus will also get one of those nice Peta T-Shirts and bumper stickers. I did not attend the Play 20202 yet, maybe in August. Duck on Duty, Duckdidu who was in town used the chance to listen to some music close to the theater at the First night. (14.05.2022) And enjoyed the nice sustainable pastures with the healthy grass in Oberammergau with which the donkey is fed. Maybe he will get some oats too which humans like too in the US or England as Grits.
Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,
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