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Upper Isartal, Oberes Isar River Valley

Die Ente und das Tor (The Duck and the Gate) #DontDuckportMelania
Kings, Emperors, Czars, cheeky brats, cows, Haflinger

The “Upper Isartal” (Oberes Isartal) is a stage of the “Isar” river of about 16 km between Wallgau and the “Sylvensteinspeicher” reservoir.

It is one of the last wild river areas where the Isar river is allowed to roam free and where the Isar changes it’s turn just as it wants, pushing around the gravel. Since a lot of water has been redirected though to serve the “Walchenseekraftwerk” it hasn’t got as much water as it used to have but it is still a place of wilderness and extreme beauty.

The “Sylvensteinspeicher” covers the old town of “Fall” and in times of draught and low water the old foundation wall are still visible. Ludwig Ganhofers novel “Jäger von der Fall” and the later produced movy is based on this site and it tells about the traditional, classic conflicts between hunters and poachers and of course a woman is also part of the story. Wittelsbacher Prinzregent Luitpold used to hunt here in the area a lot. The Sylvensteinspeicher serves to protect even the far away city of Munich from flooding and to produce energy. It is also an area for recreation.

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Die Ente und das Tor (The Duck and the Gate) #DontDuckportMelania
Kings, Emperors, Czars, cheeky brats, cows, Haflinger