The swarm got information that the Bavarian Staatkanzlei was celebrating it’s 30’th anniversary.
It again was staged as a picture-book Bavaria event with Trachtler, (people wearing garb), Bavarian Music, traditional Dancing, also from Franconia and beer from the Hofbräuhaus.
The Staatskanzlei is used by the Bavarian government and can be compared with the Whitehouse in Washington. Of course, it is bigger than the Whitehouse, at least the visible parts on top of the ground. The government allows the citizens in once per year. You can see, where the government should be working. Indeed there, to our surprise, work was going on. The Ventilator in the office of the Interior Minister Herrmann was working. He has a nice statue of the Bavaria in his office, of course not as big as the one on the Wiesn. The bureau of the president, currently Markus Söder, with the nice Bavarian flag, sometimes appears on TV when he makes statements. He seems to read a lot of books.
The Staatskanzlei was initiated by iconic President Franz Josef Strauß (CSU) and caused a lot of controversies with the city of Munich (governed by the competing Socialist Party SPD). It is colloquially called: Straußoleum.
But it was finished under Max Streibl who was born in Oberammergau and first made a career as a honest civil servant in Bavaria. He became Minister for Country development and environment in Bavaria 1970. Most important however is the fact, that he, after the sudden death of Strauß and becoming president, insisted that a “Zirbelstube” (cozy room in alpine style covered with expensive wooden panels) had to be built into the Staatskanzlei. Well, it was a long time ago and my memories might be blurred, but I think it costed 1 million Deutschmark at that time. And caused public controversies. Colloquially called: Amigostüberl
And now the swarm to it’s delight could see all that in one of the German centers of power.
Max Streibl had to retreat soon for some minor reasons (Franz Joseph Strauß would have laughed about it). But Max had too many greedy competitors (more focused politicians) in the party who did not like him. Maybe he „hat nicht hart genug hingelangt“ (did not hit hard enough)
His son Florian Streibl now runs for the different party “Freie Wähler”.
The building before served as Army Museum which was initiated by iconic king Ludwig II. (Wittelsbacher) and first established at a different spot in Munich. At the Lothstr. In Munich along the Dachauer Str.
It moved here under Prinzregent Luitpold
and later was again moved to Ingolstadt.
Funny was, that we got betrayed by the Bavarian State. We used the official lockers and inserted a one Euro coin in the locker as token. But it was gone then I checked out. Instead, I found a brochure of the house. Somebody might have inspected my backpack and scared Ludwig II. who was guarding.
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