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Booze For The Benefit Of The Public

Cycling the big round Ammergauer mountains
München Leuchtet, flying train station

Watch this nice Flashmob 2015.

As we had to do business close to Munich Main Station (Hauptbahnhof München), we used the lunchbreak to Booze For The Benefit Of the Public in Bavaria.

We went to the beer garden/terrace of the Inn Augustiner-Keller at the Arnulfstraße. Augustiner. Which, by its own statement is the oldest brewery in Munich. Since 1328. (under Wittelsbacher Ludwig der Bayer). Who we came across on our way home.

Probably a place, where a lot of our broadcasting fees are spent by neighbor Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Duckdidu as usual had to get himself some beer. Edelstoff of course, his favorite. Augustiner of course also sells on the “Wiesn” (Oktoberfest). We before, had also used Augustiner for scientific purposes, like astronomy.

I ordered the “Wildererteller” (the poacher’s plate).

To honor my long-time predecessors. Which was delicious. I talked to another guest, a regular. The head of the house Christian Vogler, arriving while we were there, knew him and talked to him for a while. We ranted about the hardships of the current situation. I think, the guest had about 2 (+½ Schnitt)  Maß beer for lunch. I had to slow down Duckdidu. As he still had to drive home.

I mentioned the fact, that Augustiner is owned up to half by a trust for the benefit of the public:
And that we were drinking for the welfare of Bavaria’s people.
My interlocutor said,

-he never saw it this way,

-was relieved and

-said, he will speak with his wife about that fact.

I tried to find a Saint, connected with beer. But only found a Quote of Holy Hildegard von Bingen: „Das Bier aber macht das Fleisch des Menschen fett und gibt seinem Antlitz eine schöne Farbe durch die Kraft und den guten Saft des Getreides.

Here is an old add from a competitor:

But, if a little Duckling drinks too much beer, he might end up like this fat swallow.


Moses did not drink water for 40 days. But the Bible doesn’t say, he stopped drinking beer. That might explains how he got through all that. And why his face glowed after those 40 days.

(Beer makes the flash of man fat and makes a nice complexion due to the power of the juice of the grain).

Beer is good in a depressing situation. (Hildegard von Bingen)

Beer is not explicitly prohibited by the religions. Some even make alcohol a requested addon during ceremonies.

There is a Christian Saint for wine and grapes and against drunkenness. Pope Urban I.

Duckdidu often prays and begs for his help and to get some proper spelled answers.

In wine together with gambling is more sin, than in Beer. Beer is not made from Grapes or Dates, but instead from grain.

Playing the cultural heritage card game „Schafkopf“ in Bavaria ist often connected with a lot of Beer. One should not Drink and Dice.

To calculate the partly complex gains and losses and play successfully, -> you should better stay sober.
You should only gamble with the money, you don’t need.


I’ve played Schafkopf since I was a kid but: I have never seen a „Sie“ and I don’t know anybody who has. Normally you would nail or pin the cards on the wall if you ever see one.

It might even be mentioned in the newspaper. The chances to see a „Sie“ (full deck game 4 players) are 1 : 10.518.300. 

A real good Bavarian Inn should still allow you, to play this Bavarian Cultural Heritage there.


Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,

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Cycling the big round Ammergauer mountains
München Leuchtet, flying train station