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Jamila back in Munich; Wellcome celebration at the Oktoberfest

Reichsaffenhaus Reichstag Committee Hall Bundestag; Duck in the Bundestag
Kyffhäuser Monument, Entente


Finally, after her challenging and dangerous getaway from Afrika, illegal immigration in Germany, dramatic arrest and after undergoing the Dublin Process back in Croatia, Jamila with her good connections could go back to Germany as she became one of the quarter of refugees which Germany puts up now. She was picked up in Croatia and accompanied by envoy privy council Johann. So the swarm had to celebrate Jamilas arrival in Munich where she was already sadly missed, especially by Dieter.

So the swarm took the chance and went to the Oktoberfest, „Wiesn„. First thing we noticed on the “Wiesn” was, that more feature Ducks are sold now.

After we found a good place in the “Ochsenbraterei” tent on the balcony with a good view on the “Wiesn” we remembered our march and demonstration on #fridaysforfuture and asked the waitress if we could order an adequately raised and kept cereal but the waitress with her beer mug showed us that nothing like that was available. So we took the usual. We all thought is tasted fantastic and the beer was just wonderful. When we came in and ordered, the indicator showed, that it was ox Tobi’s turn who was turning on the grill and that he was Nr. 42, weighing 500 kilo (10 Zentner). However when we received our meal the name had been changed to Paul, Nr. 46, weighing 525 kilo. I asked a waiter what happened and he said they forgot to update the data yesterday and that it is now Paul who we have.


On the outside of the tent there is a huge advertisment sculpture Ox turning on a shown grill which we could watch from the balcony.

After we finished lunch we strolled over the “Wiesn” and enjoyed the nice atmosphere and the happy people there. I bought the swarm an iconic Käfer coffee mug with coffee and some cake which we shared overlooking the colossal statue of the Bavaria. Jamila, sitting on a fire hydrant was impressed by the statue. I learned that taking Duck-Pictures feels less embarrassing after dinking one or two Maß beer.

Seing the Ammer tent (fowl roaster) we remembered what we were demonstrating for last Friday.

We also saw Scotts – Men who like to appear in their traditional costume on the Wiesn. Maybe we will see more of them on the European continent after the Brexit and the impending exit of Scotland from Great Brittan.

We saw many tourist from Asia and learned, that taking pictures in original Bavarian Garb Costume is important.


But also many local beauties. For each Wiesn a beauty queen is elected which happened yesterday by local newspaper tz, the winner this year is Anna-Luisa.


After that Dieter and Jamila wanted to drive in the giant Ferris wheel which I always enjoy too.

Sheila insisted to drive with the historic “Krinoline”. Unfortunately they did not have the usual Brass Band there today playing live (maybe we were too early) but the ride was fun with the beer we had before.

Then we went to have desert and some wine in the Nymphenburg Wine Tent, operated by Kuffler and I think we saw Stephan Kuffler, one of the family members who owns and operates this tent being interviewed in his tent. I have to watch TV tonight. We had an excellent, tasty “Kaiserschmarrn” and a glass of Chardonnay wine, just as excellent as the “Wienerschnitzel” which we recently (like Ivanka) had at the Max-Joseph-Platz at the Opera, also operated by Kuffler.



Before leaving the “Wiesn” we spontaneously decided to attend the spectacular historic theater and illusions cabaret “Beim Schichtl” (“Auf geht’s beim Schichtl”). The place celebrates it’s 150th anniversary this year and by that is older than the “Mousetrap” in London which I attended in the 1980ties or the Rocky Horror Picture Movie in Munich. Each day the audience can watch about 25 decapitations here since almost 150 years. We did not have to join, they choose Angela from the first row.






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Reichsaffenhaus Reichstag Committee Hall Bundestag; Duck in the Bundestag
Kyffhäuser Monument, Entente