Institute of Pathology, coroner, Coronavirus, Karolina, Tutanchoink, Morturi Vivos Docent
Update 17.04.2020
As we want to meet the requirements of an important website with 30.000 visitors I had to keep my eyes open to witness a movie scene in the famous Institute of Pathology. I so far did not find one on youtube. So I, at the 17.04.2020 came across this episode of the series “Der Alte”.
I had to tear out the Ducktor from his Consultations he was giving by phone (he was talking with Ronald D. who was still in his office late and got a bit depressed as no fans are present any longer). We then watched the latest episode of the series “Der Alte” , “Verlorene Seelen” (Lost Souls). Which had scenes in this iconic, popular hall.
Sheila in front of the Hospital and Institute
As the Swarm claims to always be on the cutting edge we visited the “Schwabinger Krankenhaus” (hospital in Munich Schwabing) yesterday.
Its here in this hospital were Germanys first Coronavirus patients are treated, as the hospital is the top of the line place for infection deceases. It was a coincidence though, we attended a special lecture and demonstration in the famous Institute of Pathology which is part of the hospital.
Sheila, the Ducktor, Butch and mysterious Johann In the lecture room
We had the chance to visit the famous dissection room which still is and was the set of many German Criminal Series like Derrick, Der Alte, Tatort (also see Löwengrube) or more contemporary once like the Eberhofer Criminal Series. The lecture was given by famous Alfred Riepertinger, a worldwide renowned expert for Mummies who was on TV several times.
(using the scanner at Airport Munich)
As no Duck has been documenting a dissection room it was the swarm’s job to do that. We learned, that the dead can teach the living a lot. Mortui vivos docent.
We also got to see “Tutanchoink”, a pig (pigs and humans are alike) was turned into a Mummy to learn if the scientist had properly understood the procedure how to create a durable Mummy. The name was given to the pig by the famous “Bild (Zeitung)” (Germanys most-read newspaper) as the pig in white linen reminds of the famous Mummy of Egyptian pharao Tutanchamon.
We learned about the best spot to hit somebody on the head to get the most effect and also that there are many Bavarian Herbsttote (people who get killed often with Beer Steins during festivals traditionally taking place in autumn like the Oktoberfest).
We to our delight also learned that Alfred Riepertinger also has several personal connections with Franz Josef Strauß and members of the Wittelbacher family who he knows from a very different point of view.
Riepertinger also discovered and examined little Karolina in the tomb of the family Jordan, a daughter of a high ranking officer of Wittelsbacher King Maximilian I., Freiherr von Jordan. There are speculations that Maximilian had a relation with Karolinas mother (wife of the Freiherr) and that the daughter could have been used to extort some money from Maximilian by pretending she was Maximilians daughter.
Interesting is the name „Karolina“ as Maximilian’s second wife was Princess Karoline von Baden.
Credit: Maps Icons Collection, t
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