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Kaisheim Abbey, Prison

Ammerschlucht (Canyon) Scheibum, Schleierfälle
Robber Kneißl, Kneißl battle

The self-ruling Imperial Abbey Kaisheim was founded 1142 and dissolved during the secularization 1802 under Wittelbacher (later king) Maximilian I. It was later turned into a prison which it still is and now also host a museum about Bavarian penal system. Sheila thought it is a good idea to know where the prisons are, just in case to be prepared she suggeste to come here for a visit.

Most famous inmate was „Räuber Kneißl“ (robber Mathias Kneißl)

Credit: Maps Icons Collection,

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Ammerschlucht (Canyon) Scheibum, Schleierfälle
Robber Kneißl, Kneißl battle