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Arco Castello

As Marie Sophie could not stand the humiliation of having to stand in front of closed doors she returned to […]

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Kaisheim Abbey, Prison

The self-ruling Imperial Abbey Kaisheim was founded 1142 and dissolved during the secularization 1802 under Wittelbacher (later king) Maximilian I. […]

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Landsberg Am Lech

A warrent of apprehension concerning a jailbreaker next to the prison Beautiful Heilig Geist Kirche (church) in Landsberg Having to do […]

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Garmisch-Partenkirchen   Dieter, Ulrichs Brother joined me on a trip to the Olympic Ski Jump in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The two Independent […]

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USA 2 Luck Duck Sheila has spent a lot of time in the USA and travelled a lot here from […]

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Mein Kampf

From 1920-1929 Adolf Hitler lived in the Thierschstraße 41 where he had rented a small bedroom before he moved to […]

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