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Brexit Debate British Parliament, unresolved issues

Duck Weed, City Hall Tower Munich
Staufer, Hohenstaufen, Wittelsbacher

Sheila, interested in politics this morning followed the debate in the British Parliament about the Brexit. The most important issue remained unresolved: Who is this Lady in the striking yellow colour? Sheila’s most favorite of course. Rules about how to dress in British Parliament used to be quite strict so this came as a surprise to Sheila.

What will the yellow press write about it? Will the queen be amused?

Yellow seems to have been one of the queens favorite colors as this pictures from 1965 shows; when she visited the Petersberg and the Castle in Brühl in Germany.

Why did none of the Gentlemen switch places?

Was the Queens Royal Rubber Duckies Crown inflated appropriately? Will Scotland need another king? Is possible King Francis II. ready for this? What actions will Angela take?

Will the Welsh still be able to travel to Europe without appropriate documents? Will there be enough subsidies to keep them alive? Will Boris Johnson make Brexit fly? Will the rope be used for the right purpose?

Is it still legal to punish a British ruler for legal offences? Has a court jurisdiction over a ruler? Is the Speaker in danger? Ruling in Britain never was a walk in the park. 

Whatever comes out in the end, we will be happy to welcome our friends from Great Britain in the near future in the new built airport Berlin Brandenburg, as EU-members or Non-members.


Note update> 2022: surprise, the airport in Berlin was finished Oktober 2020 and the Brexit is reality. But we still have the Big Hole in Kempten.

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Duck Weed, City Hall Tower Munich
Staufer, Hohenstaufen, Wittelsbacher