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Reichsaffenhaus Reichstag Committee Hall Bundestag; Duck in the Bundestag

Weimar Classicism, ice cream Schiller, Goethehaus
Jamila back in Munich; Wellcome celebration at the Oktoberfest

I have to add this breaking News first:

Duck in the Deutscher Bundestag

Finally something useful, productive in the German Bundestag. Merkel used the chance to tattoo the little fellow.

 The Ducks are taking over.

Update: 17.04.2020

Herbert Wehner (former communist, after WWII SPD Socialistic Party Germany) against former Wehrmacht soldier Franz Josef Strauß (head of the CSU) who told Gorbatchow that he didn’t made it beyond Stalingrad on his first trip.

Where are the good old times when classic debates in the Bundestag enthused us democratic spectators, which took place in Bonn at the Rhine River. The CSU, much younger than the SPD was founded not sooner than after WWII by predecessor “Ochsensepp” (Josef Müller, Ox-Josef)

Back to the main story:

Another of our away teams with political background, led by Duck Helmut, visited Berlin too short after Karl Marks left, and went into the centers of power in Berlin, into the important “Reichsaffenhaus” (empire’s monkey house,“ Reichstagsgebäude“,  later „Bundestag“) and also the “Preußischer Landtag”.

Helmut, who backs the SPD (Social Democratic Party) was sponsored by the FDP (liberal Party) who felt sorry that the SPD did not do well in the last elections like in Saarbrücken. So they sponsored the trip.

Prussian emperor Willhelm II. , not a lover of democracy, (and not the smartest North German jester at the Wannsee

who criticized Count Zeppelin for his visions at the Bodensee) did not like the “Reichstagsgebäude” building, maybe he was jealous as it was bigger and higher than his “Stadtschloss” (city castle) in Berlin which was later torn down and turned into the “Palast der Republik” during the times of the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik, Zone, foul name for the Palast der Republik: “Erichs Lampenladen”, Erich Honeckers lamp shop because there were so many lamps at the entrance.

After WWII and some reconstruction work the Reichstagsgebäude (short Reichstag) was first used again as committee hall building but not for the Bundestag who moved to Bonn at the Rhine.

After the German reunification it again was redecorated and turned into the seat of the “Deutscher Bundestag”, the German parliament.

Here are pictures of the Reichstagsgebäude with the gigantic walkable cupola, designed by Norman Foster. People shall be able to watch and control their elected representatives doing their jobs. Like signing Duckies.

Helmut decided to give a press converence spontaniously about the visionary travelling duck project and to point out the bad situation of torn apart duck swarms due to the refugee crisis and the Dublin Regulations but not to many people were listening. They prefered to enjoy the air in Berlin (Berliner Luft). And the music with the meaningful role taken by Simon Rattle. He seems to get a new job 2023 in Bavaria payed by the kind German Radio and TV network Fee payers.

A letterbox with a sign saying, this is not a letter box.


Picture of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt blured by the smoke.

Preußischer Landtag:

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Weimar Classicism, ice cream Schiller, Goethehaus
Jamila back in Munich; Wellcome celebration at the Oktoberfest