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Corpus Christi Procession” Munich

Tag der Bundeswehr, tanks,
Kappeln Baltic Sea


Sheila and Clemens August joined me at another picture book Bavaria event, the “Corpus Christi Procession” in Munich. (31.05.2018) A very baroque Event.

All the icons were there, the Archbishop Reinhard Marx, the ministrants, honorable men with Gamsbart (tuft of chamois hair worn as a hat decoration), a huge group of nuns, fighting Christian Student Associations (motto on the flags: “Deutsche Treue allerzeit” German faithfulness at all times, “fest allerzeit” firm all the times, painter and varnisher as representatives of the craftsmen, “Kongolesische Katholische Gemeinschaft” (community of Catholics from Congo, “Migranti München” (community of immigrants), a big group with Vietnamese people, “Frauenbund” (Association of Women) und “Burschenvereine” (which traditionally help to organize such events, groups from different countries in garb costume, a group of pathfinders in brown Uniform all marching from the Marienplatz to the Königsplatz in Munich.

We watched the event at the “Platz der Opfer des Nationalsozialismus” where a small group of demonstrators stood at the side of the street, peacefully holding up banners to protest against the expulsion of refugees from Afghanistan. (persevering some hours in the sun without shade receiving some benevolent gestures from the participants of the procession)


As the event took quite a while we got hungry, thirsty and after the procession had passed we went to Café Luitpold again next door and shared a done to perfection “Luitpoldtorte” and this time also visited the little museum upstairs and found our motto in the exhibition:

“Wer keine Freude an ‘nutzlosem’ Blödsinn hat, sollte sich baldmöglichst in ärztliche Behandlung begeben“ (Hans Heinrich Graf von Schweinitz). (Those who don’t like useless nonsense should go see a doctor soon.

The exhibitions in Café Luitpold shows a collection of tee-spoons of the earl which he had gathered in numerous Café shops

It’s said that Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee founded the artist group “Blaue Reiter” here 1911. Kandinsky and Partner and fiancee Gabriele Münter lived in the Russenhaus in Murnau. (in the „Blaues Land“)

After Marc and Macke died in WWI Paul Klee was saved by the Wittelsbacher who promoted art and who deployed him in the Administration at the Flugwerft Schleißheim instead of sending him to the front lines.

I also took a picture of Clemens August in front of the „Hamburger Fischmarkt“ across the street which was not opened during the procession.

And here is another older Picture from Sheilas Black Forest Cake collection.


Credit: Maps Icons Collection,


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Tag der Bundeswehr, tanks,
Kappeln Baltic Sea