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E 69 04 “Johanna”, LAG 04 + „Adolphine“ 169 005-6 (E 69 05)

Steam Locomotive from Munich to “Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum“ Nördlingen
“This” (Non Grata) Countess Larisch (Wallersee) , Tegernsee

The history of locomotive E 69 04 “Johanna” is very interesting.

(These pictures are some years old, maybe from 2013-2014. )


Ulrich, who had to duck in Vietnam joined me for this documentation.

Johanna served on the historic and “Ammergaubahn”, a connection of Oberammergau with Murnau, the first railway in Germany to run on a single-phase AC power. A pioneer at its time. One older engine of that kind seemed to have existed in Austria before but was not deployed in a commorcial way.

And Johanna, having a quite unusual look, is a real beauty we think, and so are her sisters. And best thing of all is, that I in my young days I was still able to ride on. She was available as a model train too (Zimmermann)

Update 2023: the memorial was dismatled because Murnau needed the space for a new accomodation building. The engine might be in a museum in Landshut now. (still searching) What a pitty.

Spring 2023 I also saw the Adolphine E69 05 (169 005-6) in Munich „Ostbahnhof“ this year but she dissappeared as well.

The look of the Trainstation Murnau has changed significatly since the start of the new Millenium.

Update 19./20.05.2024: On the way to Wolfratshausen yesterday I noticed we passed the old hitoric Adolfine. She is sometimes deployed for special historic trips. And she is today. I was able to buy a ticket while I was in the S-Bahn yesterday. We changed the swarms plans for Whitmonday Holiday, got into a thunderstorm in Murnau (hope Johanna is OK)


and now I am on the way to attend the trip today.




Sister “Katharina” E 69 01 was long visible in front of the “Deutsches Museum” in Munich.

Credit: Maps Icons Collection, t


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Steam Locomotive from Munich to “Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum“ Nördlingen
“This” (Non Grata) Countess Larisch (Wallersee) , Tegernsee