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Ludwig I, Lola, Munich, Besar; good enough for the old brush; Lola Cars

Main River Loop; Lump, Stein, Vögelein, Katzenkopf, Schäufele
Superbowl 2022/2023 live Coverage

Lola Montez Eliza Gilbert * 17. Februar 1821; † 17. Januar 1861 was a popular, unconventional dancing artist, author and Broadway Star known all around the world at her time. She certainly never walked the line. Seducing many famous men and even king Ludwig I. of Bavaria (Wittelsbacher) who resigned because of her 1848. Not because he absolutely had to but because he wanted to live a different live with Lola. But Lola let him down. 

The affair was expensive. Montez-Biograf Thomas Weidner: „Unterm Strich kann man sagen, dass Lola Montez soviel gekostet hat wie die Feldherrnhalle“ in München. Ludwig had built the Feldherrnhalle.

But Lola was more expensive. She in her lifetime travelled a lot, toured in many countries on 4 continents. So, we admire her a lot.

She enjoyed

-executing flowers in the garden „Blumen hinrichten“ like Edmund Stoiber,

-handing out “Maulschellen” to by-passers or using her horse whip

At some point people were outraged about her Behaviour and hunted her through the streets in Munich. So, she, on one occasion had to flee into the Theatinerkirche.

(Site of a royal wedding of a descendant of Ludwig I. 20.05.2023 hypothetical Ludwig IV. and place where Ludwig’s I. wife Therese was entombed first and many more members of the House Wittelsbach still are; not Ludwig I. though)


Ludwig I., hard of hearing since birth, came to rescue Lola with the army but was hit by a stone himself. And did not listen to his councelors. 


She for some time stayed in Hotel Bayerischer Hof. We recently had lunch there again. We planned to go to Trader Vics but were redirected to the Roof Garden Restaurant because of a VIP event. Or other famous guests. 


King Ludwig I. provided for several expensive love nests in Munich (or places for “Besar” as they used to call it as a codeword), which reminds us of the wonderful song:

Besame Me Mucho.


-Haus Hochleite on the high eastern bank of the Isar River (Harlaching); kind of like Mount Lola.

After we visited the Hochleite, we crossed the impressive Großhesseloher bridge on the lower deck for bicycles and pedestrians.

On the other side we dropped into the Waldwirtschaft. After we set down, the Jazz Band was restarting after a break and guess what first song they played: (which I did not know before):

Whatever Lola wants


A classic song covered by many artists. Our Ludwig almost dropped the beer shaking at that Lucky Ducky coincidence

I got us a nice chicken with fries and dug into it and enjoyed it.

Update 02.12.2023

Yesterday I was visiting the BMW Museum (car builder) in Munich and came across this information.

BMW in the car racing field worked together with a British race car engineering company in operation to 2012: “Lola Cars”.

“Lola Cars” was founded 1958 and the name, according to Wikipedia, was inspired by the popular music hit of that time:

“Whatever Lola wants” (Lola gets). Which was inspired by Lola Montez. Covered by many artists. I love Patti Page’s version with the “Video” from the Patti Page Show. The singer gets a beautiful car at the end of the song, a splendid Oldsmobile, maybe a 1957 model. As beautiful as the BMW 507 convertible of Elvis Presley which is also in the exhibition. White again after Elvis had to varnish it temporary red because of all the posts written on his car in Germany with red lipstick by his femal fans.

Long time Brand Ambassador for BMW is Grand-Grand-Grand-Grandson of King Ludwig I., Leopold Rupprecht Ludwig Ferdinand Adalbert Friedrich Prince of Bavaria (“Poldi”, successful race car driver for BMW and now also fashion designer).


-Hotel Bayerischer Hof; Here I got us a drink in the rooftop Spa Restaurant in red color which reminded us of the Spanish dancer.  A “Rossini”.


-Another place where she lived for a short time was the Inn: “Zum Goldenen Hirschen” which does not exist anymore in Munich. We could not find the place so far.  

… now we know, it was next door to the Theatinerkirche in the Theatinerstraße in Munich. Giacomo Casanove and Mozart stayed here too. Coonveniently located Just one narrow block away from the city palace of Ludwig, the „Residenz“.



-The long “Theresienstrasse” in the city district Maxvorstadt  

Therese was Ludwig’s wife who backed him although he was no faithful husband. But Lola, who was also intervening in politics,  was too much for her.


-Palais in the Barerstr. 7


Painter Joseph Karl Stieler created several paintings for King Ludwig I., mostly national beauties (with some exceptions) for the Gallery of Beauties: like Lola Montez. The first draft showed too much neckline so a second one followed: Lola in black velvet.

Ludwig didn’t like that result either and said to the artist: Your brush is getting old.

Stieler answered: For an old brush it’s pretty enough. (ambiguous)

Another bigger painting of Lola is in the „Münchner Stadtmuseum“, painted by Wilhelm von Kaulbach

I got us another cocktail in Café Luitpold after visiting the nearby Barerstrasse 7, a “Blue Lady” in dark blue color. Like a dress in blue velvet.


During Lola’s Getaway 1848 she also stayed in another Wittelsbacher castle “Schloss Blutenburg”.

But I think, Ludwig did not visit her there.

-Lindau at Lake Constanza


-One of her Cigarette butts used to be exhibited in the Munich Stadtmuseum.  Smoking in public (what she did) was not allowed at that time in Munich.

einen Zigarettenstummel von Montez, den er zur Erinnerung beschriftete und der heute im Münchener Stadtmuseum gezeigt wird.[6]; no, it is now in “Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte” in Ratisbon.


-India (on my Duckit list)

-Bangladesh (on my Duckit list)




-USA Broadway (New York)

-USA San Francisco

-Mount Lola California Grass Valley. She bought a house here. (we were close in another miner’s town: Bodie)

-Australia arriving in Sydney where she later again horsewhipped, this time an editor Henry Seekamp. She appeared in other cities like Melbourne or Castlemaine

-On the way she could escape from a Repo Man by persuading him during a personal interrogation on a ship in the cabin.  

-USA New York Brooklyn

Her story also made it into the movies.

Her story also made it into the movies.

Here is another newer Volbeat song about her.

Theatre Play from 2022  from and with Dr. med. Georg Ringsgwandl who studied medicine also in California.


Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,


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Main River Loop; Lump, Stein, Vögelein, Katzenkopf, Schäufele
Superbowl 2022/2023 live Coverage