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Saarbrücken; elegant grillage for civilized age; Schwenker

Kreuzigungsgruppe, Crucifixion Group Oberammergau
Staufer, Hohenstaufen, Wittelsbacher

Play this music to add some drama.

Finally our young Schwenker Padawan in the Saarland came up with a selfmade Schwenker (before this year’s episode/grill season ends). Seems like his education is accomplished. As secret Schwenker Master Marie Sophie stated.

The chain is the heart of the Schwenker

the heart is the filet of a Schwenker

the Schwenker is the filet of the roast juice

the roast juice is the snap link of the heart

everything is intertwined

the Schwenker, the Schwenker, the Schwenker

you are one

– Possible line of a Schwenker during Schwenker building ceremony

The selfmade Schwenker is an elegant grillage for a more civilized Age, other than this models here. Beware of the dark side of the roast Juice.


Credit: Maps Icons Collection, t

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Kreuzigungsgruppe, Crucifixion Group Oberammergau
Staufer, Hohenstaufen, Wittelsbacher