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Zwiesel, Bayerischer Wald Bavarian Forest; Glass and Schnaps

Staatsbad Bad Kissingen, Czars, Emperor, Kings, Reichskanzler, ketchup
The Beauty and the Beasts, Tegernsee, Chess is perilous, Haubentaucher


Like in many other historic poor regions producing Schnaps officially or in the moonshine is and was a way to make a living. As drinks in cultivated societies are drunken out of glasses, producing glass suits well with producing Schnaps, both sites had to be visited in the region.

Wood art is popular too as trees are abundant in the area in the huge national park.

We sent Zenzi to the Bavarian Forest to visit both sites. Normally a job for Boozehound Duckdidu but he was not available as he is on a cure in the called something like the Ducky Foart clinic.

So Zenzi visited the Bärwurzerei which was great as it brought up a very nice link (and memories) to an unexpected site Sheila had visited before where at some point the Bärwurz Schnaps was available too. At a tropical Eagles Nest, not this one.

After this poor little orphan noticed the photo shoot event of Zenz in the glass blowing workshop with many exhibited outstanding pieces of art, she asked if she could be adopted by the swarm and of course she was accepted. So she was brought home and now joins the family. The swarm named her “Christa”.


Humans do Duck Farts too but I shall spare you those documentation and I do not add a link here. This site claims the freedom of art and is sophisticated.

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Staatsbad Bad Kissingen, Czars, Emperor, Kings, Reichskanzler, ketchup
The Beauty and the Beasts, Tegernsee, Chess is perilous, Haubentaucher