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Celebrating FCB Double 2019 Meisterfeier Marienplatz

Euro-Sculpture Frankfurt European Central Bank EZB, Banks, Deutsche Bank
Radom Raisting Erdfunkstelle

Since the KC Chiefs did not make it into the Super Bowl we had to focus again on our most favorite soccer team in Germany, the FC Bayern München. (Munich) They finished the season again with winning the German “Bundesliga” (7 times in a row, 29 record times over all) and the “DFB-Pokal”. (19 times now). Which means 2 titles in one season which makes it another “Double”. So Dieter insisted to join the now almost annual party at the Marienplatz in Munich 26. May, 2019.

Next to the stars of FCB on the famous balcony of the famous city hall with the sculptures of the Wittelsbacher, under the famous Chimes with the famous dancing Schäffler are the displayed trophy for the 1. Bundesliga, the “Meisterschale” (also called “Salatschüssel”, salad bowl, silver) and the “Pokal” (cup, gilt siver) shining in the warm spring sun.

There were more than the predicted 3000 fans at the Marienplatz, but we had the feeling there was still some place left, more space than at the “Save The Internet” demonstration some weeks ago. The stars and the audience appeared a bit tired.

1932 the FCB won it’s first “Deutsche Meisterschaft” under important long time visionary president Kurt Landauer.

Landauer at his time did not focus much on building an own stadium but more on the professionalizing and increasing the quality of the league. Building an own stadium came later with the Allianz Arena, Munich.


Credit: Maps Icons Collection,


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Euro-Sculpture Frankfurt European Central Bank EZB, Banks, Deutsche Bank
Radom Raisting Erdfunkstelle