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Fahrradweg Kirchdorf an der Amper, Strange Cycling Path, engineering

Königsplatz München new perspectives
Cycling in the Werdenfels County, Almaspitz, Snake, Sound of Thunder

As we always try to stay in touch with the latest press highlights we had to visit another site which was in the catch lines lately and on TV. Germanys latest pinnacle of engineering, the new Cycle Path in Kirchdorf from the Netto store to the Amper bridge. The tour was a challenge and our first try one week ago failed as at the end of the route we learned that the Amper Bridge was closed due to repair works. And I did not have my e-bike fully loaded and I did not have enough reserves to do a big detour. But this time 19.07.2020 we were better prepared.

We last time also came by at the Pullinger Weiher (pond) which was the site of one of my former more dramatic scuba dives.

An adventure the details of which I should not spare here. I had the brilliant idea to. for safety reasons. take my car key in my diving jacket under water. As I did not have enough extra lead in a weight belt I also took along some heavy metal tools. So during the dive I lost my car key and therefore I and my dive buddy stood in our diving suits in front of the locked car after the dive. The operator of the site could call the ADAC motor club who could open my car so we at least could get our clothes and money. So I could call a taxi, drive back all the ways to Munich, get my spare key and return. It turned out to be my most expensive dive I ever did.

So, for nostalgic reasons, we made a stop here this time, had a Bratwurst and Duckdidu insisted to have a decompression beer here as usual among divers. We were also hoping to smell some compressed air but learned that the former popular training diving spot in no longer available for scuba diving. So we can’t make bubbles here anymore. We also watched the starting planes from nearby Airport Franz Josef Strauß.

After taking some pictures and enjoying our Bratwurst and beer we continued to the new highlight which required 5 years of intense planning.

On the way we almost hit a she-deer which ran out of a forest into a corn field on the other side.

People come from all across the nation to visit this new tourist hot spot. We had a great lunch in Kirchdorf, starting with a tasty, healthy German „Pfannkuchensuppe“ with another excellent beer, a “Huber Weisses”.

Since we can’t go to the Oktoberfest this year and ride the Krinoline, a swingbike. Duckdidu insisted to ride back and forth on the Cycle Path several times.

I even got into a conversation with a local politician on the spot.

But Duckdidu insisted to, like on the Oktoberfest , have some more beer to add to the experience.

From famous brewery Weihenstephan, which due to maybe counterfeited proofs was founded 1040 as the oldest brewery in Bavaria. We thought its coat of arms is strange, Fraconia slipped down. But I bought a bottle of that beer after Duckdidu insisted and it is excellent. The brewery now belongs to the State of Bavaria and there is a well-known university here too.

I don’t know why all those trips with boozehound Duckdidu always end with booze but it maybe is because he is member of the Germanic tribe. Even Roman chronicler Tacitus wrote about the Germans who liked beer as early as that:

Si indulseris ebrietati suggerendo, quantum concupiscunt, haud minus facile vitiis quam armis vincentur.

I just saw a documentation that part of the salary of the hard working men who built the Zugspitze cog wheel train tunnels at the beginning of the 20’th century received a defined amount of beer each day while working in the caverns in the sheer walls. It was part of their contracts. The project was finished in time, during the Passion Play in Oberammergau 1930. Maybe beer is the solution of many of our problems.  Roman dictators prefered wine.

And I also saw a cycling group near by with a leading cycler who looked like the king of Thailand.

Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,

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Königsplatz München new perspectives
Cycling in the Werdenfels County, Almaspitz, Snake, Sound of Thunder