New member of the swarm Auguste Amalie Ludovika visited some nice parts of Italy in the north of Italy close to the Swiss border. Other than god Apollon Auguste likes black birds.
Auguste Amalie Ludovica of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) was ruling here in Italy 1806-1814 as vice queen as daughter in law of Napoleon Bonaparte, married to Eugène de Beauharnais the later Duke of Leuchtenberg. She was the daughter of Wittelbacher king Maximilian I. who first collaborated with Napoleon, hoping his daughter might get her feet into the empire of France (forced marriage by father Max, but turning out to be a happy one). But Napoleon was a bad choice as it turned out 1815 in Waterloo, today Belgium). But at least Eugène was rich.
In the end the connection payed off. Her daughter Joséphine (1807–1876) later married Oskar I. of Sweden (Bernadotte, a family which needed some nobility to justify their rule in Scandinavia) and turned her into the ancestress of all later Scandinavian kings.
Lago Di Galarte
Lago di Como, Lecco
The “Palazzo delle Paure” in Lecco until 1964 used to be the place were Italian people had to pay taxes and it used to be the customs house. As we know how much Italians like to pay taxes the building received the name “Palace of Fears”. Today it puts up art exhibition halls for contemporary art.
Cascate dell’ Acqua Fraggia, Borgonuovo
The “John Fitzgerald Kennedybrücke” In Lecco, Italy, across the Adda river, is named after the iconic American President as so many other bridges all over the world.
Credit: Maps Icons Collection,
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