Sheila joined Ronald D. at his assignment to lay one gigantic eggs, Atomic Eggs at Garching Close to Munich, Germany. […]
743 total views, 1 views today
Sheila joined Ronald D. at his assignment to lay one gigantic eggs, Atomic Eggs at Garching Close to Munich, Germany. […]
743 total views, 1 views today
Luck Duck Sheila had to visit another Luck Symbol in Nürnberg Germany. At the “Hauptmarkt” (main market) in “Nürnberg” (Nuremberg) […]
845 total views, 2 views today
Sheila the day before the erection of the Maypole Since […]
372 total views, 1 views today
Sheila joined me on the hike through the nice Westerwald. Sheila started to quak the „Westerwaldlied“ but I had to […]
795 total views
The “Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum” (notoriously underfinanced) is situated in one of Munich’s most prominent streets (Shopping) in the center, […]
1,436 total views, 1 views today
2016 Rock Duck attended a concert of the legendary German band „Rammstein“ „Capital of Rock“ in Wroclaw Poland. The […]
774 total views, 3 views today
Sheila was in Belgium before but I did not take a picture of her there. 1985 she visited Brussels and […]
640 total views, 1 views today
While visiting the Middle Rhine Valley we also used the opportunity to visit another country, the Netherlands. Sheila was in […]
620 total views, 1 views today
Disclaimer 1. Warnhinweis zu Inhalten Die kostenlosen und frei zugänglichen Inhalte dieser Webseite wurden mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt erstellt. […]
25,156 total views, 38 views today
From 1920-1929 Adolf Hitler lived in the Thierschstraße 41 where he had rented a small bedroom before he moved to […]
1,179 total views, 1 views today
Sheila joined me on a diving trip to Gozo / Malta. We took the ferry from Malta to Gozo but […]
392 total views
Before starting the G7 meetings in Castle Hotel Elmau, Angela Merkel, German Chancellor invited Obama to a picture book Bavarian […]
745 total views
Not far away from Dubai, maybe a 45 min drive away if the street is not busy lies another country […]
694 total views
The Plansee at a height of 976 m is a popular dive spot but the water is cold and due to the […]
819 total views
The Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain normally 2962 m high, can be reached by the „Zugspitzbahn“, a cog wheel Train up on […]
933 total views