In the 16’th century it became fashionable to give away exotic animals from exotic countries. Poor hard working Indian Elephant Soliman who was brought from Sri Lanka
by the Habsburger rulers to Portugal was given away to nephew Maximilian II., emperor in Vienna Austria.
Johanna, daughter of Karl V. and Isabella of Portugal gave him away. He walked many steps through Portugal
and Spain to Barcelona
and was again put on a ship. The ship sailed to Genua, upper Italy. The name Soliman seems to relate to Sultan Süleyman. The Elephant mastered the trick, no knee down in front of the emperor. Süleyman was allied with the son “Ahmad” of King of Tunis “Hassan Mulay” (Hassan was allied with Karl V. .. Luther …) , an enemy of the Habsburger Karl V.
Then Soliman in a striking event walked across the Alpine Mountains. And left traces all along the way. Mailand, Cremona, Mantua, Trient, Brixen,
Innsbruck. former Inn „Elefant“ where Soliman was put up. Now behind the Inn „Zur Eiche“. (joint for students)
He also came through Wasserburg am Inn.
past Braunau with his Mahuts (Führer)
Keeping and taking care for an elephant needs a lot of expensive staff and specialized food. Things which could not be provided for in Vienna by the Austrians.
And shortage of affordable staff was and is a problem.
So, the poor abducted animal died a miserable death soon after in Vienna. Where is Peta , who really loves animals when you really need them.
But Maximilian got another toy a few years later.
The elephant was disassembled and parts sold. The main part, however, was stuffed and exhibited in buildings in Vienna. Wittelsbacher Duke Albrecht V. was able to acquire the stuffed Soliman and the elephant was brought to Munich where he was put up in the “Kunstkammer” of the Duke. Later 1928 in the Bavarian National Museum. The elephant again had to be moved to a bomb protected but soggy basement during WWII. Where he became mildewed, and most parts had to be discharged. But it’s said, that during the time in need after WWII his skin was used to produce shoe soles and he might still be walking through the streets of Munich.
Add some Son et Lumière, romance and fake news and you can make some money even with a dead Elephant.
King Ludwig II. possessed a horse called Soliman which pooped into his dining room with the sinking table when it was invited for dinner. The King was amused.
Soliman was a horse which could master mountain terrain. Ich don’t have information, if Ludwig II. used it to ride to Brennbichl and Innsbruck 1864.
Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,
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