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Atlas, Max Emanuel in Italy; flight to Napoli; Franz Josef Strauß

Atlas, Max on Monte Solaro Anacapri
Continue Integration,Oktoberfest Munich 2018, arrest

Atlas and Max Emanuel, the blue Duckling (nom de guerre), started their trip to Napoli, Sorrento and Capri from Munich airport. They had a good view on a clear day on their way to the south. And here is another duck on it’s way southbound. (did I mention before, that Sheila is a big Tom and Jerry fan?)

As our Ducks always take security measures serious (Sheila keeps her eyes on that issue), Max attentivly followed the emergency demonstrations of the crew and insisted to buckle up. Atlas, carrying the burdens of the whole world said this is just nonsense.

After arriving in Napoli the Team took the bus (Alibus, the fare was 4 Euro, the Ducks went for free) to the ferry   to Annacapri island. The team shared a beer on board to control the supplies.

Currently or maybe permanently „Franz Josef Strauß“ is commemorated at the Franz Josef Strauß Airport Munich with a memorial. I could  not yet find the title of this new piece of art but it looks like „Franz Josef loast oan flign“ (makes one fly). Zenz had her first appearance as Travelling Duck after she came into the swarm at the Oktoberfest 2018.

Sheila is sure, that after the last result of the election in Bavaria 14.10.2018 Franz Josef makes more than one fly in his grave.

But after some time consuming research Sheila found information about this nice piece of art. The title of it is “Fliegen” (flying) which is not far away from Sheilas Suggestion.

More surprising is the fact, that Strauß, who by his own words (while on his second trip 1987 visiting Gorbatschow) on his first trip to Russia never made it beyond Stalingrad, (today Wolgograd) is or might (maybe fake news) be commemorated with a memorial at the airport in Wolgograd. But he is already commemorated with a street name in Tirana Albania.

This (1987) plus maybe the brilliant but rough emergency landing of private pilot Franz Josef (with a license for instrument flight who saved the top leaders of the Bavarian Government) in Russia let (by his own words) curdle Edmund Stoiber’s blood which maybe (Sheila speculates) caused some minor damage in Stoibers brain language center.

While Franz Josef Strauß has made one fly  Edmund Soiber tried hard to let one drive (Transrapid) to the new airport MUC but failed, China again was successfull.


Im Gegensatz zu Franz Josef Strauß, dem es mit Leichtigkeit gelungen ist, einen (aus der ganzen Welt zum Münchner Flughafen) fliegen zu lassen ist es Edmund Stoiber nicht gelungen, einen (vom Münchner Hauptbahnhof zum Münchner Flughafen) fahren zu lassen.

Bavaria traditionally has good relations with Russia  considering who was honored with a “Lederhose” and who wasn’t and Franz Josef’s indication of his deployment in WWII at Stalingrad did not bother anybody.

Credit: Maps Icons Collection,

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Atlas, Max on Monte Solaro Anacapri
Continue Integration,Oktoberfest Munich 2018, arrest