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Carnival Ball, Narhalla, Munich

Hoflieferant Dallmayr Munich

As our ducks like to dance and to listen to good music and enjoy entertainment and as no other duck has documented a formal, big carnival event I took Victoria Wilhelmine (VW) to a roaring carnival ball.

In the “Deutsches Theater” Munich, Germany, “Soiree Münchner Leben”. The traditional ball is staged by the carnival Club „Narhalla München e.V.“ There is also a special march, the „Münchner Narhalla March“ (with pictures from inside Hotel Bayerischer Hof), which must not by confused with the more popular, sophisticated „Mainzer Narhalla Marsch„.

Which got the classic text lines: „Rätätä, Rätätä, Morgen Hamma Schädlweh, Rätätä, Rätätä, Schädlweh is scheh“ (tomorrow we will have a headache, headache is great)

This year’s main event of the carnival club “Narhalla München e.V.” (which was on TV too) was focused maybe a bit too much on megastar and “LederhosenfreakAndreas Gabalier”.

Gabalier was awarded the “Karl Valentin Orden” decoration. Karl Valentin is commemorated on the Viktualienmarkt Munich. The decoration caused bigger controversies in Germany’s media the last days.

Other than other stars Gabalier stayed all night long and seemed to enjoy the event.

He held a great and intelligent speech too: To thank for the award and to respond to the accusations of the press of

-being intolerant,

-right wing

-and homophobic.

-And misogynistical which of course all is fake news. Tens of thousands female fans getting blasts in his concerts prove the contrary.

Maybe a start for a political carrier. He even sang one of his top chart songs and enthused the guests.

The laudatory speech was held by maybe just as famous Austrian rock star „Peter Kraus

Of course Peter’s (still fit and popular) career pinnacle in Germany was just a view years ago.

And like other artist and celebrities from Austria he made a career in Germany, Bavaria and also Munich. Peter Kraus was strongly influenced by Elvis Presley,  here is one of his famous Songs: Sugar Baby

As “Lederhosenfreak” (leather trousers fan) Gabalier did not appear in smocking or tailcoat (ja mei, wia kumms’dn du daher) (the dress coat was quite strict, but not applying for the star guest who has to pamper his image). But that did not matter as leather trousers are always a good option in Bavaria or Munich. Gabalier had a lot of fun too with the stunning, acrobatic Siegburger „Funke(n)mariechen“ which were part of the show. The old (1859) and rich in tradition, typical Rhenish carnival Club „Siegburger Funken ‚Blau-Weiss‚“ enriches the Narhalla events in Munich since serveral years.

But there was still time enough to have fun yourselfe on the dance floor.

Munich’s “Schickeria” (Bussi Bussi Gesellschaft) of course was there too in big numbers and we saw a lot of fancy shoes and dresses. The Schickeria of Munich is famous and is often subject in movies, songs and in the media.

The guests all received a „Münchner Busserl“ (smooch, chocolate with the picture of the prince and princess on it)

The Event is supported by local Business like BMW, Bayerischer Hof München (which also provides for a Suite to put up the prince couple during the carnival season, this year charming and beautiful Sarah I. and Fabrician I. who were looking gorgeous either on stage or on the dancefloor) and Zentis (who produces great Marzipan, the guest received some of it.

The Award is given to somebody who makes the most humorous, clever remark in Terms of the famous comedian  Karl Valentin which was published

And here are some more celebrities who received the award

Edmund Stoiber (Ministerpräsident of Bavaria) (who, considering humor, deserves the title for as long as a Thousand-Year empire might last; he likes to execute flowers on a sunny sunday in his garden for a half, one or two hours; no wonder the flowers have disappeared)

Franz Josef Strauß (Ministerpräsident of Bavaria)

Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedikt XVI.)


Soccer Player Philipp Lahm (FC Bayern München)


Another interesting carnival prince Walter I. was Walter Schöll 1951/1952 (editor) who joined friend Strauß in New York while Strauß got in trouble with a „Greißlige Henn‘“ (an ugly chicken) , an affair after which Strauß was „gerupft von der Presse“ (torn apart, being plucked) by the media and political enemies)




Credit: Maps Icons Collection,

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Hoflieferant Dallmayr Munich