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Suchergebnisse für: Franc

Cathedral Aachen

Charlemagne, or Charles the Great 742 -814 from the Carolingian dynasty was the leading figure of the early middle ages […]

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La Cenerentola

          Sheilas got information that at the Gärtnerplatztheater, Munich, Duck Anna J. Enterbko (this link is […]

 771 total views


  Burkina Faso 1989 Ouagadougou Driving from the most southern part of Togo to the most northern one we finally […]

 630 total views


Kairo Egypt Pyramid of Giza During one of her trips to Sharm el-Shekh Sheila took a break from her duties […]

 921 total views


Friends braught home this Picture from Shanghai of this tasty Yeast Duck Dumpling. There are numerous Blogs on the web […]

 711 total views


USA Luck Duck Sheila has spent a lot of time in the USA and travelled a lot here from east […]

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