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Return to lovely Leutstetten Gauting, St. Nepomuk

Wilderness Ranch ,White Beer, Sie, Cut, Pork, Russenbrücke
Kennedy, Bristol, Beer, No Gentlemen


As the weather was lovely the last weekend 13.02.2022 we decided to make a short trip to Leutstetten again. The residence of the last Bavarian King Ludwig III. (The Dairy Farmer, son of Prinzregent Luitpold)

Ludwig III.
Schloß Leutstetten Luck Duck Sheila


And to enjoy the world famous Bavarian hospitality , also praised by Bavarian President Max Streibl the lovely Beergarden.

We had a tasty, crunchy delicious typical Bavarian Pork Lunch with the good Wittelsbacher Beer from Castle Kaltenberg (Brewery): “König Ludwig”. (King Ludwig)


We made friends with some animals who we thought were mice.

The Wittelsbacher never hesitated to give away their good beer even to the smallest chicks.

No wonder that this little girl later got astray off its path spoiled so badly by her grandparents.

And with Prinzregent Luitpold giving Free Beer to at least Third Grades at his hunting enclosure in Obersdorf at his birthday.

Later Sheila insisted to have a desert with King Ludwig (II.) who is still our most favored Wittelsbacher (?) king.

We continued our trip to Gauting.

We passed a former mill (“Reismühle”). Which according to a legend was one of the many birth places of Charlemagne (The Great). Whom we met in Aachen. No grain is grinded here now, but it is an art studio and a fitness studio these days.


We also tried to visit La Familia in Gauting but nobody was home.

We visited the Castle “Fußberg” in Gauting where we enjoyed more art in the Remise.

The castle was managed by the Knights of “Fuß” (foot, part of the leg like the knee) in the 12’th century.

It was a fiefdom of the Wittelsbacher Dukes who ruled. It later became a possession of monastery Andechs who redecorated the main building and gave it it’s todays look in the 18’th century.

We found this nice mill wheel along the way from a former paper mill.


We also came across a newer memorial statue of Saint Nepomuk.

One ledged says, he had been the Confessor of Wittelsbacher Sophie Of Bavaria  1376-1428, Queen of Bohemia as second wife of King Wenzel. And that he was tortured and thrown into the Moldau from the famous Karlsbridge in Prague and drowned. He did not want to tell about the secret confessions of Queen Sophie. She sympathized with Jan Hus, an important religious predecessor of Matin Luther. Jan Hus 1415 ended on the pyre in Konstanz at the Bodensee. He is one of the National Saints in Czechia.

One of his last brilliant words were: Today you are frying a Goose but a Swan will return.

Hus in Czech means Goose. Matin Luther sometimes is depicted with a swan.

On the way back to Munich we came through the lovely and ecologically friendly “Eichelgarten” (Acorn Garden) in the Forstenrieder Park close to Gauting. With big old Oak Trees and shrubbery like in the old days. Next to Buchendorf, a district of Gauting. Situated along the former Roman Road Via Julia from Augsburg to Reichenhall and Salzburg. We could not avoid it and we don’t hate it. In fact we liked it. So we could easily pass it.

Which reminded me of the Enting in Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring.





Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,

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Wilderness Ranch ,White Beer, Sie, Cut, Pork, Russenbrücke
Kennedy, Bristol, Beer, No Gentlemen