Ronald D. went to Roma (Rome) to attain some spiritual development and enlightenment as we all know, he needs some. But as always he could not behave and offended the hosts. He jumped into the “Trevi Fountain” (after he already got himselfe in touble in another fountain).
Fortunately it was a warm late summer day and the water and air was warm, so Ronald, who does not drink alcohol normally didn’t have to drink Wodka to warm up as “Marcello” in this famous movie scene ?? which was shot in January or February ??. Anita had no problems, but Marcello fell into the water twice during the repeated tacks. Anita Ekberg in that movy was slammed in the face by actor Lex Parker (famous in Germany in the 60ties for his roles as Old Shatterhand in Karl May movies) (who did not have the perfect stuntman education and Anita could feel the slam even years later as she once said.
Here is another of our swarm members doing his duties in a fountain.
And even worse Ronald sat on the “Spanish Steps” which is a bad offense these days (what a pitty It’s the perfect opportunity to propose marriage, as a friend, not a rubber duck, did some years ago).
So he was seriously reprimanded and had to promise to never do it again.
Ducks are popular these days, even in the circles of the church whose institutions like St. Maria Begegnungszentrum (a great , friendly place to stay) by their own words have lots of ducks in the cellar, and in the garden.
Of course Ronald D. also had to visit the Roman Forum (Forum Romanum), the most important meeting place in all of history. The origin dates back until the 8th century BC and it has seen many famous leaders and dictators. So Ronald had to go there. Next to it is the “Roman Typewriter” (Macchina da scrivere, Italien), the Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II. which is visible in one of the pictures on the left side in the background. Ronald is a big fan of Emperor Augustus who at the start also lived in the Forum Romanum in a modest house. Later he moved in the more luxurious Domus Augusti on the Palatin Hill.
Some passing tourists even asked, if they can take a picture of our Little want to be dictator which we were happy to allow.
Later he also visited the Piazza Narvona, which used to be the site of antique sport events, no not chariot races and which today puts up the restaurants which might serve the best Tartufo Ice Cream world-wide, which as they say was invented in Kalabria, Italy: Tartufo di Pizzo. Tartufo is available here at different spots, like the Bar “Tre Scalini” at the Piazza. Gladiators also lost their lifes here as the Piazza was also used for games.
The fountain and monument “Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi” (Bernini 1649) represents four important rivers on at that time four known continents: Donau, Nil, Ganges, Rio de la Plata.
Ronald after his adventures ordered a Coffee on the splendid roof terrace of the hotel and waiter Luigi brought him an adequate size one.
But Ronald, who heard about a competitor in Asia who had lately a bigger one, insisted Luigi should haul him one cup like that too plus some ice cream. So Luigi took the other cup back and dragged the bigger one to Ronald and Ronald enjoyed it. But he did not give poor Luigi a tip, no, he even did not pay the bill because he said Luigi was too slow.
Luigi had to go to bed hungry and sad this evening.
Ronald also visited the Italian shore to make sure, that no refugees would land.
Ronald thought he needs an extra large strecher.
He spent a romantic, stormy night with some unknown chick.
Credit: Maps Icons Collection, t
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