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Corona Crisis supply check, Covid-19, Hamstern

Beaks The Revenge
Swarm starting beer garden season, Swan Lake

Due to the large consumption of Duckdidu who recently returned from his futile stay in the Ducky Foart Clinic the crisis came faster than expected.


As we always try to find some links to the Wittelsbacher Dynasty, and iconic Sissi I did some research. And I found something. People who catch Coronoa (covid-19) usually die from pneumonia. So did Erich Graf Kielmansegg (count) 1923 who served the Habsburger Dynasty and who wrote about Sissi after she was assassinated:

Es wurden der Kaiserin in Wien nur wenig Tränen nachgeweint. (Not much tears were shed over her in Vienna)

Last Habsburger emperor Karl I. (Austria and Hungary), related with Sissis husband (great nephew of Franz Josef I. and also with Sissi (its ok as long as it stays in the family) died from pneumonia in Madeira, Portugal 1922 in his exile after WWI. Although Madeira is a pleasant, warm island of Portugal, he was freezing a lot in his villa up on a mountain. The villa was donated by a friend as he did not have any money left after his crown jewels had been stolen on his and his wives trip and the Habsburger possessions were seized after WWI. I just read in another source, that he might have died because of the Spanish Influenca. Which started in Kansas. 

1918, One of the first victims of the Spanish Flu in the USA by the way was barber Frederick (Friedrich) Trump who migrated only 16 years old to the USA 1885, coming from his Palatine home (Kallstadt) in Germany. The “Pfalz” was Bavarian at this time and Trump left before he did serve in the Bavarian Army. He later tried to move back to Germany because of his 11 years younger German wife Elisabeth Crist who was homesick and a promise made to her dad. But he was classified as an unwanted immigrant and expelled 1905 because they said he had hidden himself away from military service. Maybe Donald Trump went through his family’s history recently and suddenly changed his mind about the danger of Corona-Virus.

Some people state, that the „China Virus“ might have started as „Russian Influenca“ 1889.


25.03. I watched a parliament debate yesterday and was relieved to see, that the waiter who changed the water glasses at the speakers desk after each speaker, wore rubber gloves. But he used the same gloves for each glass.!!!

23.03.2020 In the park I listened to what the people said:

[…2 4 8 16 64 this is how it works…] An older woman talking to three other older persons

Wikipedia mentions this about the Spanish Flu: A 2018 study found that the pandemic reduced educational attainment in populations.

[…I use the mobile phone my employer provides. Everything is for free, stream music…] A young girl running in the park.

[…As if you could stand getting along without it for even one week …] The girl of a young couple, probably talking to her boy about buying chocolate.

Luck Duck Sheila last week visited lonely Ronald who is still bravely performing his excellent job as mood meter in the office. He says the problem comes from abroad. All the other members of the swarm are now working in home offices wherever possible. Nobody is scared though for Ronald as he is brought to office by his private, well tested chauffeur and his bottom is wiped daily by his staff.  And nobody likes poor Ronald, not even Coronavirus like other celebrities. Of course Sheila kept the suggested minimum distance, frequently washed her wings and came by bicycle enjoying the nice weather to avoid contact with the fowl. As Ronald is alone in office he sets the scale at pleasure.

I started the day very early and went to my local store. To maybe get hold of some more toilet paper. On the walk my heart skipped a view beats after I saw 3 persons carrying away several packages coming from the store . 26.03. watch this video Kathi, jetzt hör doch mal auf (stop it Kathi) This should be turned into a song, just like this fitting Classic. This gives the advice to buy “Investmentpapiere” (Investment Fund certificate) a completely new meaning. Will this be my lucky day too? Will I see sunshine through the rain? And yes, I really could grab one of the last packages. But the shop was getting busier while I was at the checkout counter.

During my lunchbreak I went to the “Englischer Garten” again to get a Maß Bier in the Beer Garden in the nice warm sun under crystal clear skies but nothing was served or sold. I got into conversation with an older man who asked me where he could buy something to drink or eat. He said he is 80, he was wearing streamlined biking outfit, much fitter than myself and he was there with an e-bike. He also said one of his operations had been canceled now due to Coronavirus. And that his deposit of securities had lost half of its value the past days. But he appeared relaxed. Then he talked about a hit and go accident he had been the victim of recently when a maniac on a 60 km fast pimped bicycle knocked him down while he was cycling to the monastery Schäftlarn along the Isar River. He said he and his young wife life in a nice penthouse in downtown Munich and that he had a successful printing house before. And that he has a sailboat on the “Starnberger See” and that he traveled a lot in his young days. I advised to go inside the fancy restaurant at the Chinese Tower or the nearby “Seehaus” which were still open yesterday until 18:00. And went back to work. The police was patroling through the park, maybe checking not too big crowds would get together. Markus Söder, Bavarian President rushed ahead with extra strict rules to contain the virus. Some say he might become our next Bundeskanzler even though he has the stigma of being a member of the CSU. The CDU at the moment does not have a obvious candidate. So the Union might need some alternative. Neither Franz Josef Strauß made it before nor safety aware Edmund Stoiber. The swarm is relieved, that nobody after the crisis will be off worse according to Söder, but is a bit scared for our democracy. As CDU member Konrad Adenauer used to say: “ Es kann mich doch niemand daran hindern, jeden Tag klüger zu werden“ often quoted as „Was kümmert mich mein Geschwätz von gestern“ (I don’t give a sh.. about my yesterday’s bullshit)

Update 16.10.2021: Söder did not make it

We could calm down Duckdidu who recently returned from his futile stay in the Ducky Foart Clinic.

Luck Duck Sheila and other members of the swarm, who are in charge of the safety of the swarm and for the safety and sufficient supplies on board insisted to check our supplies for the coming supply crisis due to Coronavirus. (Covid-19). So I had to help them to check our Fukushima Stocks which I developed some years ago. I had to throw away a lot. Hearing there is not enough toilet paper available in many stores I bought enough for the next 5 years. But already found new stocks in the stores just the next day. Update 16’th March: the shelves today were empty.

The Ducktor said the problem and symptom of Corona is that if one person sneezes 20 more are teaming up with brown stripes. That might explain the shortage of toilet paper.

Then I tried to get us some vaccine and I remembered having seen something in the filling station. So I went there and asked the girl at the counter if they got something concerning Corona. She said she got a six-pack, even extra, and I asked if I could see it. So she showed it to me and I said I want to have it. And I got it.

As everybody „Hamstert“ at the moment I too went to the store and tried to buy some Hamster but the shop staff did not understand what I wanted.

The other essential supplies here are sufficient as we found out after working our way through the dark corners of the shelves. And we even did not check the basement yet.

Alcohol might be man’s worst enemy but even the bible says love your enemies. Sometimes a drink is the only answer.

I heard people rant about the Chinese people eating habits. So when I passed the local butcher I got us some healthier German food, Blut und Leberwurst (blood sausage and liverwurst) and fixed some Sauerkraut from our stocks. And again went shopping to fill up again.

Here is some Bavarian to learn: “Servus oide Wursthaut” (old sausage casing) is no insult but a friendly welcome for somebody you know for a while. “Oide Fischhaut” (old fish skin) has the same meaning.

Producing alcohol, brewing of beer, providing for supplies for bigger groups and the beginning boost of human civilization and a settled lifestyle might all be closely related. As 13 thousand year old Neolitic booze findings point out.

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Beaks The Revenge
Swarm starting beer garden season, Swan Lake